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amazing. AMAZING. this was so cute and the scenes felt REAL <33333 LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS GAME


Deleted post

hello the woods i lovey ou very much <3


when i saw this game i click on it as fast as i could! and i love it so much and its so cuteee!!! :DD

AWWW thank you so much!!


npp! :D


So what's Miss's real name? Also, the game was great :D I love the story & art :)

we didn't give her another name LOL so i guess she can be anything you wish! AND THANK YOUU


ohhh :0 Will you guys ever make a sequel in the future?


We don't have plans to, no :( It's also because this was made in 72 hours for a game jam :'D so there wasn't a lot of planning going into it (most of it was written bleary-eyed at 4 AM haha).

However, Nii (the UI/character artist) may be making a webtoon sometime in the future with a similar plot!

(1 edit) (+2)

O oki :) still a great game! looking forward to playing your other games :D



Deleted post

thank you so much!


OH MY GOSHH this is so sweet :'))) THANK YOUU <3




Hey I loved the mini game in this! Wish there was more of it but it was honestly great to see the story unfold! Super cute art and banger music too! Thanks for making this and I hope more people get to see it too!

aaahhh thank you so much!!! (yes JEFB is pronounced JEFF-BEE (at least that's how i've been pronouncing it LOL))

and woww the dedication to getting all endings 😭😭♥💖 did you use the easter egg to skip to the last scene?


What easter egg??? Nah I just replayed the game 2 more times! :D 


oh gosh you're so dedicated THANK YOU <//3 the easter egg is that you can click the lower left corner of the About screen to jump to the end of the last minigame LOL

Very cute! Well until the end… i like the story and gameplay! Do you plan to expand the game story wise?


There might be a webtoon being created w/ a similar story if i get the time!! otherwise, it is undecided whether or not we will create something in the same world


Awesome! I hope it happens,even if not i still really love the game

(1 edit) (+2)

Played this game since I play most worthwhile-looking games on the recent section of itch (which also includes updates for games, dk why).

I'll be honest, everything here, from the art, the theming, the music, and gameplay: works pretty well except for the pacing, it's very on-the-nose with what's going on, and while that on it's own is fine, it doesn't work as well as it should feel it would when you know Miss is doing something wrong from the very start.

This is basically a 4.7/5, and if it had extended the transition and reveal a little bit, given the player the time to realize the twist rather than being so obvious about it, it'd probably be a 4.9/5.
The last point simply being the subject matter being a little too taboo for the theme, it doesn't really feel right for the game to tackle this range of topics so closely interspersed with kawaii imagery, it's something that can be mitigated but not solved, just the nature of the game.

The very last thing, a nitpick: Trigger warnings.
I understand why they're here, I understand why they exist and what they're used for, I completely understand where the game is coming from.

But it just really spoils the twist from the very start, for example: DDLC, a game with the similar twist of "Kawaii game turns wuh-oh", didn't have that, because it would spoil the fun of being surprised.

Still, definitely a worthwhile play.
Pretty good work on display.


Best of luck, cheers!


Thank you for the feedback!!

I completely agree that it's pretty obvious that Miss isn't doing very legal stuff, but that was sort of the point. Like you, I thought that the twist was SUPER obvious, but I think part of the game is waiting for what the twist was, not the fact that there was one (although I was surprised at the amount of people who didn't expect it). The fact that there was blood, that Miss slips something into her pocket (Ellie's too easily distracted to notice what it was though LOL), that there's a cedar door because cedar represents incorruptibility (hence why when Ellie goes through it she is "corrupted"), that an ivy gate was mentioned because ivy represents immortality ("corruption is immortal"), all those little easter eggs build up to the question of why. The game was a bit rushed though, as we only had <48 hours to develop the game since we spent 24+ thinking of an idea :') I think in the initial idea, you find out that you're cleaning up crime scenes in the 2nd minigame, but I don't think Ellie is that dense to fix a broken jewelry case at 2 AM and think everything is fine.

I did also think the subject was a bit taboo. However, playing through like 30-40 other submissions, I didn't find a single one that mentioned the same thing. This game wasn't meant to "solve" anything at all; simply point it out, and show underlying issues within corruption (there is pretty much no way to get rid of it, so why do people try? And how do we try?). I think Miss and Ellies' character designs sort of show it. Like I wrote in a different comment, they are both horrendously hypocritical. I, as their writer, would not want to be friends with them (or maybe I'd be friends with Miss because she's rich).

Miss's job and drive to "save the world" has taken a toll on her to the point where she doesn't even know what she's doing anymore, she's just doing it to have the illusion that she has an impact on the world. And, for all we know, Ellie is only the 2nd person she's taken on ("she took my eye and you took my heart"), so Miss will probably break soon.

Ellie is just... stupid and naive. She thinks the death penalty shouldn't be a thing, but then turns it around when she's dying ("No one should go through this. Except you.").

Regarding trigger warnings, I do agree that they can definitely spoil the story. However, they're something that we as a team take great care of, since we know firsthand how badly lack of TWs can be. DDLC did also have a warning that the game wasn't for the faint-hearted, and it's pretty well-known that it has a twist but doesn't take much away from the experience (in my opinion). The fact that this game is marketed as "horror" is already a giveaway, to be honest :')

Thanks again for taking the time to review MIMCO!! I'm glad you found the game a worthwhile play <3


Idk if it's worth anything, I am a little stupid, but I had NO idea the evil Miss twist was coming LOL

LMAO REALLYY that's so sweet :') thanks for sharing!! 🥰


miss and ellie are soo goals i love toxic yuri


I sort of ship miss x ellie-


very valid statement me too


I-It just works


this is my first time having art style envy playing a game, ur game is so cute aand edible looking

HAHAH THANKSS forwarding this to nii (our character/ui artist) :DD


whens the sex scene???





finish your sentence





stfuuuu xd




very cute game 10/10


Best game 10/10


I said no to the job lmao


mimco wr speedrun (1 ending): 10 seconds, set by OHcreamOH




The game kept me on my toes, and Nii's art is amazing as always :D


Wasn't expecting that lol this is a super cute game and is super detailed and interesting!!

that girl is way to cute to be innocent 

ima play this and hope it doesnt go doki doki on me

the tws/tags.... 👀

you know what they say dont judge a game based off it tags anywas ima play it now


aslo im pretty sure ever other game has mentions of drugs violence and sexual assault  

(2 edits) (+1)

sooooooo the tw and tags were right but she was only being a vigilante nothing to bad


this sucks bring back the suicide lol


im stuck on the second little room minigame and i cant find the next thing to clean >0<


OMG nevermind i just couldnt see very well lol


Omg i had everything but a cobweb

once they said they didnt read the contract i knew everything


I love this sm !!<333


The game was so much fun and with an unexpected twist. Pretty good for 72 hours! Well done!


Enjoyed playing this game, love how you have merged cute with a hint of corruption! The music and the visuals are all amazing!


I'm actually obsessed with this game. I absolutely loved the cute style and cutting theme of it all; it brings a sense of charm to make the commentary all the more engaging. (Miss gotta a point, whoops.) 

I only wish there was a way to save, but I did enjoy playing through all the endings! (At least, in all, they all get keep those cute fits...!)

(Also! Can I ask where you guys got the songs from? They were all such bop!)


thank you so muchh!! i would've added a way to save, but there was no time TT thank you for being so dedicated & playing through all the endings tho omg ashglsdk

the songs are from DOVA-SYNDROME! their website is :D


I adored this game, and I love it to death. The story is well-written, the plot twist was a little obvious but still interesting enough to keep me wondering! The art style and music and effects all work together with the general story and vibe and all the ui is really well done!
The fact this game was done in 72 hours astounds me, it's really simple but the effort shines through!


Hey! I played the game and I loved a lot of things about it!

First, the art style was great and cute, and the point-and-click gameplay very pleasant! Yet, when the bigger genre shift happens (as this game shifts very progressively, it really feels natural here), it manages to look unsettling without denying what it was first. I loved it!

Also, Ellie was a cute and wholesome protagonist I really enjoyed to play as! Miss was a supportive boss, and...


I'll admit I quickly understood that we were cleaning up after murders, but not in a "I'm understanding things quicker than the plot wants me to" way, the plot just conveyed it well? And I'll admit I didn't see Miss being the murderer plot twist come, despite the twist being the obvious conclusion the story (what can I say, I'm dense lmaooo)? I thought she worked for murderers. In the end, she ended up being a character with waaaay higher moral standards, which was interesting to see (although, of course, she works to these standards in such a twisted manner...). Admittedly, if she was wrong for not letting Ellie know about the real thing (although Ellie didn't even read her contract so she might be quite the unreliable narrator), approving or disapproving her actions would actually lead to a debate about death penalty and, if I'm against, I know a lot of people who would think she's actually right; and no matter what one's opinion is, she is understandable, and I really enjoyed that.


A very good game, and it's amazing to think it has been created in 72 hours!! Wow!


thank you so so much!! yess, their dialogues towards the end were written to portray how different yet similar their roles are, yet both are liable to be characters the player may end up disliking.


although miss does have higher morals than first expected, she's definitely not an ideal character -- we can see how being in this job has taken a toll on her (nii's idea) and how her behavior is sometimes overridden by a sense of obsessiveness with ellie's innocence -- this is a point most usually realize, though most of the commentary in the story is lost unless you closely analyze everything, down to the words used (except for the melon analogies LOL that was because the jam this was made for is called MelonJam). she and ellie are both extremely imperfect and sometimes hypocritical or naive (even miss) characters.

for example, this is a little more obvious but in the longest ending (topmost choice), we can see ellie start off saying a bunch of stuff about how you shouldn't kill others, that it's cruel to do this and implying that miss has something wrong because she does this. but when she's dying, her emotions (especially the pain she goes through) turns her against miss, and all of a sudden she says "no one should go through this except you." her entire viewpoint changes the second she's the one going through the pain, making her more narrow-minded than we first thought. but that's the thing with a lot of people -- many of us will have these morals or thoughts because it makes us feel like we are being moral, but when it has to do with us suddenly everything changes.


anyways yeah there's a lot more, this was my first time writing fictional characters/stories/dialogue for social commentary so i'm glad you liked it LMAO (i actually didn't get to start working on the code until the last day), the original story (maid girls cleaning crimes) was completely nii's idea and we just spun it off from there :D thank you for your support!! the comment means a lot 🥰🥰 you are definitely not dense, we did have that plotline in mind but we changed some things around (actually i didn't really want to do the current one bc i thought it was cliche HAHA)

but i'm really very glad you thought the shift was natural!!! i was worried it may have seemed a little abrupt, but ig the 3rd minigame setting already threw things off ^^' (much credit to effixs)

(1 edit)

The style is really awesome! Plot twist was kinda obvious, but I guess it was so because I've read story on Reddit with the same one just couple days ago, so maybe it's not :)

P.S. No skip mode?

that's really cool!! nii was the one who had the original story idea & we just developed off of it so i personally haven't seen any stories on this :0 but yes, i was expecting the twist to be rather obvious LOL the point of the story is not in the twist but rather its connection to our current society/the social commentary it makes (on corruption, the theme of the jam) :D all of the characters are strikingly imperfect, hypocritical, and even naive based on which ending you go through and what words you notice. there are also a bunch of references to stories we all know about, like fairytales/etc., that i hoped would help unravel some commentaries in the story !!

could you link the reddit story though? i'm kinda curious to see it hahah

by skip mode, did you mean fast-forwarding dialogue? if so, it was with the escape key before, but we removed it due to wanting to add a pause menu instead (we never did). :') there's an easter egg to skip all the minigames though!



This is way too cute! The art style is really eye catching, the UI is lovely, and the story is really interesting! Everything is completely normal and wholesome, yup.

thank you so much <33 


I loved the art style. I wasn't expecting the ending to go the way it did but it was great.


Thank you so much!!






so cute, im obsessed with the art style! both the characters were precious (wink) LOL. Great story! 

AWWH THANK YOU!! glad to hear you liked it :D art is from @pocketnii!






Fuck you be gay do crime


that is basically the motto of the entire team (we don’t commit crimes tho ofc… who would do that… ahahaha……)




HELP one day we are gonna have to say “inspired a true story”  

I really liked this game! I hope to see a part 2 that follows the duo on more jobs

(1 edit)

thank youuu!! unfortunately the ending you're supposed to get (aka the most fleshed out one) is uhh... 🙁 but hey, multiple choices/endings so no canon one ;) 

however, the characters may be added to nii(artist)'s future webtoon! it'll probably only be their character designs/some lore that stay sort of similar though, the lore & references i wrote for this duo will probably only apply to MIMCO :(


I really like the story , I wasn't expecting that ending 😁

AHHH thank you so much!! glad you liked it :D we actually spent a whole day thinking of the story & another one writing it 😭


You're welcome , and it  turned out amazing 😁

Ok im stuck in the room with 13 things to clean. I have cleaned all 13 things to fix. Now It says 0 things to fix but I am still in the room, shouldn't it instantly progress after the last item is fixed? 

(1 edit)

Hi, so sorry!! That's a glitch (only happens when your last click has no dialogue), but you can restart the game & utilize a little easter egg to skip all the minigames (edited because there's no more need :)).

We'll fix that glitch asap, but lmk if the above doesn't work.

(1 edit)

Bug should've been fixed on web version!

Zip with game cannot be opened and weighs 0. Fix pls.

Hi, sorry! The web build should work, we're working on fixing the Windows build.

It turns out we zipped the files wrong, so we rezipped & reuploaded it :)



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