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(1 edit)

this is the first time I've heard about this game, I was looking for the artist of the game cover I didn't even know it was an actual game?!!! and OMG I wish visual novels were this cute! the art the music the minigames! a complete perfection!! 10/10 I really hope you guys continue doing games the same vibes as this one!

edit: it would've been nice if there was a skip button and dialog history but still 10/10! :3


heya, thank you so much!! the artist is @pocketnii :) yeah we can add a dialogue history in the sequel, what did you mean by skip button though? like skipping through dialogue (in which case you can hold the esc key) or skip the minigame?

oh okay yeah i think they mean like you can skip through dialogue for those who have gone through a scene already

ahh so like for replays? how about just loading specific chapters/scenes, or does the esc key to speed up dialogue do what you're envisioning


we also need a button for going to the previous dialogue without going to the history

oh rightt that would be useful,, i'll see if i can implement it sometime


Dude this game is fantastic,clean the broken store at first,then clean the hotel(actually when I saw it's 'blood' I was shocked) then clean a 'underground room'(my English is not good) and also there was lots of Blood,when I played at that time I tried to find the real ending.I played the whole game,so I think the game is small,but good,and the people are very cute.I like this game.




如果说这个游戏是一篇阅读 那么我可以说宾馆那一小点点的血就是从侧面暗示出后续环境会恶化(好像翌日系列) 什么新时代ddlc()





I love this free game! ! ! The characters are also very cute! !


(1 edit) (+2)

Really bomb game, reminds me of sprunki where it gets creepier and creepier (10/10) game


I think Miss listened to Insane Clown Posse a bit too much ( I LOVE THIS GAME SM OMG)

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i love this game soooo much!!!! i love the cute art! but is there a way to quit while playing?/??!

UMM like save your progress? there isn't but if you wanted to start at the end of the last minigame (the hotel), you can click the bottom left corner in the About screen :)


aa this game looks so cute and fun and I've been looking forward to playing it for a while!! I wanted to ask to be sure, may I stream this game?? I'll link here to download and credit everything, I think it'd be fun!! if not I'll still play on my own time, but I wanted to make sure I had permission <3

YES OFCC we welcome all streamers!! nii (character/ui artist) & i have been guest speakers on a stream once as well, if you wanna set that up again (not sure if nii is up but i'm down), you can message me in my discord @ :D


aa yay ok thank you!! I just wanted to check and make sure!! also oo that sounds like a fun offer :3c I’ll think about it and I’ll try to get back to you on that if possible, sounds fun!! thank you for the offer!! and I can’t wait to play your game regardless, thank you!! :33

yeahh ofc!! offer is always open :D thanks for playing our game!


Fire game. Loved it. The history is neat.



I need help getting past the hotel room part!!!! Is there something more I need to clean or is it glitching???

there's probably something else you need to clean!! does it say that at the top?


yeahhh.. i checked everywhere and even the floors.


LOLL yeah </33 if you miss anything there's always playthroughs people have done (LaurenZSide is a popular one, or check in the comments for a link/search on google!)!


this is such a cool game! I want there to be a sequel so I can see Miss more :3


AHH the sequel will definitely have miss don't worry!!! :DD


YASSS the second it comes out I'm playing I swear!

YAYAYAY omg!! it's gonna be so good trust >:D


A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm hyped.


i love their design and the artstyle its so cute ^^


i lovee this game! ITS SO GOOD LIKE WHATT?

THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!!!! i've always felt like this game was p mid so it means a lot 🥲

this is a horror game right?

yeah! it's more thriller/psychological horror than normal horror though (although i do wish we could've made it more horror than it turned out to be, it is pretty horrifying if you think about the real world implications)

tru, good game overall tho

thank you!! if you do have any suggestions on what could make it more horror, we are kinda working on a sequel so i'd love to hear 👀

well depends on how messed up the horror lol

LOL well no spoilers unfortunately :))


Miss is so mecore its actually a bit unsettling

wait LOL this is so interesting i've seen a lot of ppl say ellie is like them but never miss :0000


thank you for your hard work to bringing this game to life! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ I absolutely adored the adorable art style as well as ellie&miss' interactions !! such a short yet endearing game <3


THANK YOU SO MUCHHH <333 yeah i really liked writing the miss/ellie character interactions hehee i feel like i branched out for that

(also ellie was supposed to have that kaomoji you used in her dialogue! but it didn't work with the text D:)

why cant you clean the last place.

we ran out of time :( only 72 hours

make a sequel

as much as we'd like to, game dev is not that easy; this dev team has already had a falling out. i didn't mind your comment much, but i wanted to comment since you've said similar things before & might not recognize that your words come across as pretty demanding. please treat developers with respect.

we love our fans (that's the reason why i'm working on the sequel; the making of MIMCO does not hold positive memories for me), but at the end of the day, i want my games to come from myself and my heart so they can be the best they can be :) a sequel should be more of a gift from devs to fans than a fulfillment of a demand


I LOVEE UR GAMEE!! i literally recommended to my friends

AWW THANK YOUUU <333 i'm so glad ahsdkdskf


Wow, entré porque sentía un parecido con Lacey´s games. Y no me fuí decepcionado. Me gustó mucho. 

¡¡Muchas gracias!! No sé quién es Lacey, pero me alegra que te haya gustado el juego <3



!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHH i'm always super happy to hear 😭 ❤️


i just wanna say this game is amazing;  the story, art and characters are really good ! :3 btw i made some fanart :D its nowhere as good as the ingame art but i hope u like it !!







OHHH MY GOD AWWWWW 😭  crying i love it so much!! i sent it to nii & the team who's working on mimco 2 hehe <3


waaahh tysm !!! <333

Deleted post

this game is so cute no vilance ; )

none at all!!!! :DD

(1 edit)

Hello, when i downloaded the game it was sort of stuck in the starting screen, i pressed enter and clicked around but it doesnt move? Could you help? Dx 

Edit: I also do not have options such as save, options and start

Hello!! So sorry this is happening :((! Please message me on Discord @cinnamew or join my server @ (I will have a much faster response time for the latter) and send me a picture of what your screen looks like :)

There is also no save or settings menu since it was a game we made in a super short time. You should see a title screen that says "Play!," "About!," and "Quit!"


fhuawiuoaweou I LOVE THIS GAME EEEEEknvspilreuipgi




i love this game so muchh i played it twice and both times at the end i chose the option to partner up :) love seeing ellie and miss aah ♡


LOLL omg thank you for the support!!! that was the route i put the least amount of effort in though TT they are so girlfriends but i ran out of time to girlfriend it fr 😭

(1 edit) (+1)

Hai :>> i really love this game I think it's so interesting, but my loading was there for about an hour all though the game was super cute but super creepy at the same  time I don't know if you guys want to make more but i would love more of Elie and miss together but if you can can you put misses real name in? the plot was sooo real though :3 i of course choose Eile to work with miss they're the best duo frfr sorry im late for the game hehe :3


omgg whatt i didn't know the loading was gonna take so long 😭 you could download it instead maybe,,? AND YAYAY THANK YOUU we are actually working on a sequel again hehhe

we actually didn't decide on miss's real name :0

omg im sorry i was late to see this and it was not an hour it was 10 mins LOLOL

wait 10 mins is still a lot </333 idk why that'd happen,,... :(


guys this might be peak yuri

SO TRUE SO REAL !1!!!1 love ur username


LOL TYSM! saw lauren play ur game and was literally like... man i gotta play this myself

HAHAH omg that's amazing !!! yeah her video brought a few hundred views to the game :DD


Its sosoo cool that she played ur lil yuri game... big fan its all ive been thinking of


Idk if its yuri it js is in my heart LMAO


can't fully confirm if it's yuri or not but in our creator headcanon it is 👀!! (and there are many signs in the writing too... like the sharing of cherries) 


the ending that u just don't even try lol :D





i thought i learned my lesson about going into games blindly but i didnt > :(

LOLL why wouldn't you wanna go in blind?


Take a look at my video and share your thoughts with me. I appreciate your honesty! 🫶🏽

Game was HEAT


i played this with another friend and only got one of the endings, so i came back to see the other ones and OUGHHH I’M SO ILL long comment incoming

spoilers for one of the endings

Can I just say that the ending where you refuse Miss’ offer is SO HEARTBREAKING TO SEE. the tone of dialogue switchup was an amazing experimental idea and it made the corruption theme work so well,,, what do you mean not even an “i love you” will make ellie forgive miss. what do you mean miss was jealous of the way ellie was able to live so happily in the facade of the world. ellie what do you mean that no one should go through this except y

i honestly love that the topic of this game is so relevant. i’m probably reading too much into this but the fact that corruption is truly everywhere; in our laptops, clothes, almost everything that we enjoy now was made with the blood of others makes me almost empathize with miss’ ambition, even though the path she’s going on won’t solve anything in the end. it’s a fantasy i hope a lot of us have that the world will become better, even if it won’t.

i definitely see the vivinos inspiration,,, and as much as i want to buy the extra content i will hold myself back 😭 i also made fanart for the game on tumblr and twitter! spoilers for the bad end obv


WOOOOOOO YEAH!!!!! tbh vivinos was a crap ton of the part of the inspo doc but it didn't inspire a lot of the writing (unless maybe unconsciously) cuz i rawdogged that thing at 4 am 😭

i made your fanart my wallpaper btw!!!!! IT'S SO CUTE 😭 


the rawdogging is so real tbh i think you just transform into a completely different person past 3 am fr



YEAHHHH HAHHA it's a bit weird to open my phone and see blood & blank eyes staring back at me BUT LIKEEE very honored to have gotten this 🙏🙏🙏♥


I loved it sm, like it was so cute but so deep, really beautiful. It’s kinda like a “its not what it seems like” game which i really like!!!!


So cute and fun!!


This was great! I enjoyed this quite a lot

This was so beautiful, the story, the art, everything!!!

I love this game so much it's hard to believe it was made in such a short amount of time!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ❤️ ❤️ 💕 😊 💝


No problem, Keep up the great work   (0w0) 👍


me if toxic yuri was a crime

TRUEEE!!!! vivinos ...:D

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this was such a fun and amazing game :D



this was incredible! the emotional rollercoaster of it all and the amazing artwork makes me want to play it over and over and over

AHH THANK YOU SO MUCHH!!!! ❤️ 💕 💝  that means a lot :')


Como assim ja acabou? Eu quero mais ;-; (Otimo tabalho, Parabens a toda a equipe). As artes estão incriveis!!!  ♥ 🇧🇷 ♥

Is it already over? I want more ;-; (Great work, congratulations to the whole team). The arts are incredible!!!

Yess thank you so much!!! Nii is the artist, she's incredible for sure :)


wait is there gonna be more ;-;

unfortunately not :((((( we had one in the works but we lost motivation for it and it will most likely not happen now (if it does it'll be like 30 years later 💀)

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